open source software???

Indonesia Jadi Musuh Kapitalisme
Karena Open Source Software

Tahukan Anda, kalau penggunaan FOSS (Free Open Source Software)
nantinya akan disamakan dengan pembajakan (piracy)? Bahkan lebih
buruk; pengguna FOSS akan dijadikan "enemy of the state",
lebih tepatnya "enemy of capitalism". Oleh siapa? Siapa lagi
kalau bukan US goverment. Heck, they even already put Indonesia in
their watchlist.

It turns out that the International
Intellectual Property Alliance
, an umbrella group for organisations including
the MPAA and RIAA, has requested with the US Trade Representative to consider
countries like Indonesia, Brazil and India for its "Special 301
watchlist" because they use open source software.

What's Special 301? It's a
report that examines the "adequacy and effectiveness of intellectual
property rights
" around the planet - effectively the list of countries
that the US government considers enemies of capitalism. It often gets wheeled
out as a form of trading pressure - often around pharmaceuticals and
counterfeited goods - to try and force governments to change their behaviours (source).

Sekilas info, Indonesia adalah negara nomor enam penggunaan FOSS (Linux)
terpopuler, setelah India, Cuba, Federasi Rusia, Republik Czech dan Bangladesh

Lebih jauh lagi, dalam sebuah rekomendasinya pada tahun 2009 lalu, IIPA
(International Intellectual Property Alliance) menyebutkan Indonesia layak
mendapatkan Special 301 status, karena menyarankan, sekali lagi
menyarankan, bukan memaksa seluruh departemen negara dan BUMN menggunakan FOSS
pada tahun 2011. Berikut petikan rekomendasinya:

The Indonesian government's
policy... simply weakens the software industry and undermines its long-term
competitiveness by creating an artificial preference for companies offering
open source software and related services, even as it denies many legitimate
companies access to the government market (source).

Halah, dasar kapitalis maunya cari untung dengan meng-eksploitasi negara
orang. Kalau bicara soal IP (Intellectual Property), dunia open
source software
justru lebih strict ketimbang dunia proprietary
. Saya tidak tahu dengan Anda, tapi saya justru bangga dengan
sebutan "enemies of capitalism". Ayo gunakan dan sebarkan
FOSS, lawan kapitalisme!

(juga di posting di:
pedy.posterous. com/indonesia- jadi-musuh- kapitalisme- karena-open)

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