Diet Program........

General Motors: Weight Loss Diet Program

The following diet and health program was developed for employees and dependents of General Motors, Inc. and is intended for their exclusive use. This program was developed in conjunction with a grant from U.S. Department of Agriculture and the Food and Drug Administration. It was field tested at the Johns Hopkins Research Centre and was approved for distribution by the Board of Directors, General Motors Corp. at a general meeting on August 15, 1985. General Motors Corp. wholly endorses this program and is making it available to all employees and families. This program will be available at all General Motors Food Service Facilities. It is management's intention to facilitate a wellness and fitness program for everyone.

This program is designed for a target weight loss of 10-17 lbs per week. It will also improve your attitudes and emotions because of its cleansing systematic effects.

The effectiveness of this seven day plan is that the food eaten burn more calories than they give to the body in caloric value.

This plan can be used as often as you like without any fear of complications. It is designed to flush your system of impurities and give you a feeling of well being. After seven days you will begin to feel lighter because you will be lighter by at least 10 lbs. You will have an abundance of energy and an improved disposition.

During the first seven days you must abstain from all alcohol
You must drink 10 glasses of water each day

Day One All fruits except bananas. Your first day will consist of all the fruits you want. It is strongly suggested that you consume lots of melons the first day. Especially watermelon and a loupe. If you limit your fruit consumption to melons, your chances of losing three lbs. on first day are very good.

Day Two All vegetables. You are encouraged to eat until you are stuffed with all the raw or cooked vegetables of your choice. There is no limit on the amount or type. For your complex carbohydrate, you will start day two with a large baked potato for breakfast. You may top the potato with one pat of butter.

Day Three A mixture of fruits and vegetables of your choice. Any amount, any quantity. No bananas yet. No potatoes today.

Day Four Bananas and milk. Today you will eat as many as eight bananas and drink three glasses of milk. This will be combined with the special soup which may be eaten in limited quantities.

Day Five Today is feast day. You will eat beef and tomatoes. Eat two 10 oz. portions of lean beef. Hamburger is OK. Combine this with six whole tomatoes. On day five you must increase your water intake by one quart. This is to cleanse your system of the uric acid you will be producing.

Day Six Beef and vegetables. Today you may eat an unlimited amount of beef and vegetables. Eat to your hearts content.

Day Seven Today your food intake will consist of brown rice, fruit juices and all the vegetables you care to consume.

Tomorrow morning you will be 10-17 lbs. lighter than one week ago. If you desire further weight loss, repeat the program again. You may repeat this program as often as you like, however, it is suggested that you are allowed two glasses of white wine in addition to the instructions on the program. You may substitute champagne for white wine. Under no circumstances are you to drink any other alcoholic beverages with the exception of beer which is allowed. Any liquor (bourbon, vodka, rum) is forbidden. Cream drinks are especially forbidden. You may have an occasional cordial such as creme de menthe or schnapps, but you must always limit yourself to two drinks. If you wine, drink only wine that day. If you have beer, drink only beer that day, etc. Alcohol adds empty calories to your diet. However, after the first week it will help your digestion and settle your stomach.

G.M.'S Wonder Soup

The following soup is intended as a supplement to your diet. It can be eaten any time of the day in virtually unlimited quantities. You are encouraged to consume large quantities of this soup.

28 oz, Water, 6 Large Onions, 2 Green Peppers, Whole Tomatoes (fresh or canned), 1 Head Cabbage, 1 Bunch Celery, 4 Envelopes Lipton Onion Soup Mix, Herbs and Flavouring as desired.

Additional Comments

Vegetables as may be taken in the form of a salad if desired. No dressing except malt, white or wine vinegar, squeezed lemon, garlic, herbs. No more than one tea spoon of oil.

You have been given a recipe for the WONDER SOUP which can be eaten in unlimited quantities. This soup is a supplement while you are on the program and it should be a pleasure to eat. Not everyone likes cabbage, green peppers, calory etc. This recipe is not inflexible. You may substitute vegetables according to your taste. You may add any vegetables you like: asparagus, peas, corn, turnips, green beans, cauliflower, etc. Try to stay away from beans (lima, pinto, kidney, etc.), however, because they tend to be high in calories even though they are very good for you.

Beverages you may consume while on the program :

1. Water (flavoured with lemon/lime if desired).
2. Club Soda is OK.
3. Black Coffee. No cream or cream substitute. No sugar or sweetness.
4. Black Tea = Herb or Leaf.
5. Absolutely nothing else except the fruit juices which are part of day seven. No fruit juices before day seven.

How and Why It Works

Day One you are preparing your system for the upcoming programme. Your only source of nutrition is fresh or canned fruits. Fruits are nature's perfect food. They provide everything you could possibly want to sustain life except total balance and variety.

Day Two starts with a fix of complex carbo-hydrates coupled with an oil dose. This is taken in the morning for energy and balance. The rest of day two consists of vegetables which are virtually calorie free and provide essential nutrients and fiber.

Day Three eliminates the potato because you get your carbohydrates from the fruits. You system is now prepared to start burning excess pounds. You will still have cravings which should start to diminish by day four.

Day Four, bananas, milk and soup sound the strangest and least desirable. You're in for a surprise. You probably will not eat all the bananas allowed. But they are there for the potassium you have lost and the sodium you may have missed the past three days. You will notice a definite loss of desire for sweets. You will be surprised how easy this day will go.

Day Five, Beef and tomatoes. The beef is for iron and proteins, the tomatoes are for digestion and fiber. Lots and lots of water purifies your system. You should notice colorless urine today. Your allowance calls for the equivalent of five "quarter ponders". Do not feel you have to eat all this beef. You must eat the six tomatoes.

Day Six is similar to day five, Iron and proteins from beef, Vitamins and fiber from vegetables. By now your system is in a total weight loss inclination. There should be a noticeable difference in the way you look today, compared to day one.

Day Seven finished off the program like a good cigar used to finish off Victorian meals, except much healthier. You have your system under control and it should thank you for the flushing and cleaning you just gave it.

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Pemikiran tentang :

Phone Vs Our Health

Cell Phones and Health
One of the most common sights we see these days, is that of people with their mobile phones next to their ears. A boon for better communication, cell phone usage nonetheless has many health hazards. Various studies indicate that the emissions from a cell phone can be extremely harmful, causing genetic damage, tumors, memory loss, and increased blood pressure and weakening of the immune system. This is alarming information, and one has to take into account all these factors..

Though there is no evidence of cell phones causing cancer or any such illness, but the suspicion, or fear of the same is not baseless either. The electromagnetic radiation from cell phones does have a potential link to cancer. The fact that this radiation is invisible, intangible, and enters and leaves our bodies without our knowledge makes it even more intimidating.

Possible hazards:
* Two minutes of exposure to emissions from mobile phones can disable a safety barrier in blood causing proteins and toxins to leak into the brain, could increase chances of developing Alzheimer's multiple sclerosis and Parkinson's. (Scientists at Sweden's Lund University)
* Scientists say exposure to the phones' low-level radiation causes red blood cells to leak hemoglobin and can lead to heart disease and kidney stones.
* Recent studies suggesting a link between cell-phone use and brain tumors, and the possibility that the microwaves could ignite petroleum fumes at gas stations.
* A cell phone unit, or communications tower, has so many of thee radiation emanating gadgets. This can be a problem for its immediate environment.

Cancer / Tumors
Studies have been conducted suggesting that rats that have been exposed to microwaves similar to the sort generated by mobile phones but more powerful, showed breaks in their DNA which could indicate an adverse effect. Also, mice exposed to radiation for 18 months developed brain tumors. Though of course, these studies are not concrete proof.

Blood Pressure
It was observed that people using cell phones were prone to high blood pressure. Again, there isn't any concrete evidence of the same.

A study at the University of Montpellier in France was carried out on 6000 chick embryos and suggested that the heavily exposed chick eggs were five times less likely to survive than the control group. This study raised questions about possible effects on pregnant women but it has not yet appeared in peer-reviewed scientific literature or been reproduced, so its findings are difficult to assess.

Headaches, Heating Effects, Fatigue
A study brought out that longer the people used mobile phones, the more likely they were to report symptoms such as hot ears, burning skin, headaches and fatigue.
The study did not include a control group (that is people who do not use mobile phones, to make a comparison); therefore the symptoms reported could have been caused by any number of other factors in the mobile phones users' environment, such as working with computers, stress, driving or reading.

There have been various studies into the connection between mobile phones and memory loss. A study looked into the effect of radiofrequency (RF) on the section of rats' brains that is linked with the memory. The results showed that RF could modify signals in the cells in a part of the brain that is responsible for learning and short term memory.

Posture (holding phone between raised shoulder and ear)
Some researchers claim that holding a mobile phone between the raised shoulder and the ear could have a damaging effect on muscles, bones, tendons and discs. These problems would apply equally to a cordless phone or a landline phone as to a mobile phone and are the effect of bad posture.

Mobile Phones and Children
Because of their smaller heads, thinner skulls and higher tissue conductivity, children may absorb more energy from a given phone than adults.


* Cell phones should be used for emergencies, and not for long conversations.
* A small chip-like cell phone microwave radiation protection device is available, which has the ability to absorb electromagnetic energy waves from your mobile phone. It helps in reducing the potential harmful effects of these emissions to the human body.
* Using a mobile headset is a good idea, you don't have to hold phones next to your ears all the time
* Use a hands free mobile car kit while driving, without taking your hands off the steering wheel

THE WHO (World Health Organisation) RULES

* Mobile phone users should limit their exposure to harmful radio frequencies by cutting the length of calls.
* Hands-free devices cut exposure by keeping the instrument away from the head and body.
* Driving cum mobile phone talking should be banned.
* Mobile phones should not be used in Intensive Care Units of hospitals as they can pose a danger to patients by interfering with the working of pacemakers and defibrillators.
* People with hearing aids should not use mobile phones.
* Base stations, which have low powered antennae on their terrace to communicate with cell phones, should not be located near children's schools and playgrounds.

Studies indicate that a lot of car accidents have happened, while the driver was on the phone. This is because while driving, one obviously needs to concentrate, and talking on a phone doesn't help. Some countries like Portugal have banned the use of cell phones, which may not be very practical, as their main use is to be reachable while you are on the move. Thus, it is important to take certain precautions while driving:

* Position your phone within easy reach so that you don't have to take your eyes off the road.
* Get to know the features of your cell phone - speed dial, redial, voice mail, they can be your lifesaver. But don't dial and drive at the same time. Use a hands free kit.
* Avoid using a phone when road conditions are hazardous or traffic is heavy. You can let your voice mail take messages and then call back later.
* Don't engage in stressful conversations that may distract your attention from the road.
* Don't take notes or look up phone numbers whilst driving, wait till you can pull over.
* User abbreviated speed dialing. In fact, voice activated dialing is even better. It leaves both hands free. Frequently called numbers can be programmed.
* Have an answering machine installed that could take messages until you can return the calls. Let your co-passenger handle the calls if you are not travelling alone.

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Pemikiran tentang :

life insurance??

Facts About Life Insurance

Our lives are subjected to risks of disability and death due to accidental and natural causes like flood, fire or earthquakes. Death or accidents causing permanent or temporary disability affects the income of a household. The family of the victim is placed in hardship. At times survival is at stake for the remaining family. During such a juncture life insurance is required. Risks are capricious. Accidents take place at a time when least expected. So, it is very essential for every individual to have a life insurance.

Human life is precious and its value can’t be measured with a sum of money. Taking insurance is a step to compensate the family members of the insured person. You cant get your loved one back from death. But his sudden loss will never put you in difficulty if you have his life insured. Life insurance is a scheme, which assures a certain sum of money in the form of benefit to the dependants of the insured person. The life insurance schemes are designed in such a way so that a particular amount of money is given to the beneficiaries in case of sudden death of the insured person. So you can avoid complete loss of income in case of sudden death or accident of the insured person if you have a good policy planned beforehand.

A person can also assure a lump sum for his old age by taking insurance policies. You have safety coupled with savings when you go for insurance policies. A limited amount of money in the form of monthly, quarterly, half yearly or annual premiums is enough to secure your future. While taking an insurance policy one must be observant about the coverage of the product. It is advisable that you take insurance policies from certified agents instead of any unknown individual.

Varieties of Life Insurance Policies

The variety of life insurance products in the market is impressive. You are free to choose from among the wide assortment of policies on offer. Brief detail about the major types of life insurance will provide detail knowledge about the subject:

• A term insurance is a product, which will provide the beneficiaries with a lump sum in case of death during the term of insurance.
• If you go for an insurance covering your whole life span, then you receive a fixed amount at the time of death.
• Endowment assurance is by far the most popular form of life insurance. In this kind of a policy, the beneficiary gets a fixed amount either after the full term of the insurance or if death occurs during the tenure of the contract.
• Money back polices are indeed another excellent way of savings. In this kind of a policy, the insured person gets lump sums on particular dates within the specified contract period along with the entire amount assured at the end of the contract term or on death.
• Annuity product is an equally lucrative insurance scheme. Monthly payments are made on particular dates to the insured person till he is alive.
• Linked insurance products assure fixed sum of money at death along with the underlying worth of assets on required dates.

The big insurance houses design insurances suitable for individuals belonging to different socio economic categories. You have customized schemes for women, youth, children, old people, middle-aged individuals, laborers, rural population and people belonging to the highest strata of the society.

Where to Buy Life Insurance Products?

It is advisable that life insurance products are always bought from registered agents. Big Insurance companies appoint agents to sell their schemes. It is the agents who will guide the individuals towards the right policy. Life insurance agents are responsible for briefing the mass about the various insurance policies. They will make you understand the difference between group life insurance schemes and individual policies. Companies who provide insurance policy to their employees free of cost generally take group schemes. Individual policies are usually based on the income of an individual.

It is found that life insurance policies are the only way in which you have guaranteed returns that offer security and protection to your families and offer contentment to society.

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Pemikiran tentang :

Ubah gaya hidup kita


Memulihkan fungsi empat organ tubuh utama dan melepaskan tekanan batin

Bagi pasien kanker, asal fungsi empat organ tubuh, berupa limpa, hati, usus besar dan ginjal sehat kembali,

sudah boleh mengucapkan selamat berpisah dengan penyakit kanker, kencing manis, penyakit jantung dan darah tinggi.

Ketika pagi tadi saya memeriksa kembali para pasien kanker, banyak dari pasien kanker itu yang tadinya menderita tekanan darah tinggi, sekarang tekanan darahnya sudah normal, tadinya menderita penyumbatan pembuluh darah, sekarang tidak perlu lagi mengkonsumsi obat. Jelas, asal beberapa organ tubuh utama ini dapat dipulihkan secara perlahan-lahan, berbagai jenis penyakit peradaban baru dapat dihilangkan, namun itu bukan faktor utama satu-satunya.

Kalau kanker hanya merupakan tumor, tentu lebih mudah ditangani.

Dahulu kita pernah berbuat suatu kesalahan besar dalam bidang medis, asal melihat sebuah tumor, lalu berusaha untuk membunuhnya melalui operasi, kemoterafi atau radiasi, pokoknya jalan terbaik adalah dibunuh dengan segala cara, kemudian dosis obat semakin tinggi semakin baik. Ketika sel kanker mati, orangnya juga mati.

Itu adalah kesalahan terbesar dalam ilmu kedokteran, sebab masalah bukan berdiri sendiri, harus dipertimbangkan secara menyeluruh.

Maka dari itu, organ limpa harus dipulihkan terlebih dahulu, kita mesti memelihara suatu kebiasaan makan, dengan kandungan jenis biji-bijian, baik kasar mau pun halus, harus paling sedikit mencapai 50% dalam bahan makanan sehari-hari.

Biji-bijian ini adalah kacang merah, kacang kuning, kacang hijau, jali, dan lainnya, semua ini adalah jenis biji-bijian, biji teratai juga sangat baik, dengan konsep demikian, fungsi limpa dan hati akan membaik. Limpa berguna untuk produksi darah, setiap hari ada dua masa penting, yaitu jam 23.00 – 01.00 dan 11.00 – 13.00.
Maka ketika waktu istirahat memang sudah tiba, harus beristirahat. Orang sekarang kebanyakan memiliki masalah organ hati, kenapa demikian?

Tiga perusak organ hati adalah
· tidur larut malam,
· makan makanan berminyak
· dan suka marah.

Minyak dapat membungkus organ hati, ketika anda menyantap makanan berminyak, lapisan minyak akan membungkus organ hati, membuat organ hati tidak berfungsi, maka jangan mengkonsumsi terlalu banyak makanan berminyak.

Bila semakin banyak tidur semakin lelah: peringatan akan adanya masalah dengan hati. Ketika tidur, limpa mengumpulkan cairan darah dan dikirimkan ke hati untuk dibuang kandungan racunnya, darah bersih kemudian dikirimkan ke jantung, jantung memompakan darah ke seluruh tubuh, apakah tujuannya? Agar setiap tempat yang tercapai oleh darah mendapatkan gizi, sehingga tubuh terjaga tetap sehat..

Sayang sekali, banyak orang sekarang telah memiliki masalah limpa, di mana limpa tidak mampu lagi mengumpulkan darah.

Hanya ada satu cara untuk menjaga kesehatan organ limpa: dengan mengkonsumsi jenis biji-bijian, lalu kenapa organ limpa orang sekarang sedemikian buruknya dan tubuh banyak penyakit?
Karena tidak mengkonsumsi jenis biji-bijian, lebih suka makan hamburger, steak, kentang goreng, hanya makan sedikit nasi,
itu pun jenis beras putih, kita semestinya mengkonsumsi jenis biji-bijian yang belum diolah, misalnya beras kasar.

Namun saya ingatkan semua orang, Indonesia adalah negara tropis, maka jenis biji-bijian asal daerah beriklim dingin atau panas tidak cocok untuk dikonsumsi oleh penduduk daerah tropis, seperti gandum, soba, barley dan sorghum, semua ini merupakan produk pertanian daerah beriklim dingin, tentu ada tubuh sebagian kecil orang yang memang tahan, namun tidak cocok untuk dikonsumsi oleh sebagian besar orang, bukan bahan makanan ini tidak baik.

Apakah bahan makanan paling cocok untuk penduduk daerah tropis seperti kita ini? Yaitu beras kasar dan ubi rambat, kedua jenis makanan ini cocok untuk penduduk seluruh dunia, selain itu juga ada jali dan sekoi yang lebih cocok untuk penduduk daerah tropis.
Dengan memelihara kebiasaan makan jenis biji-bijian, fungsi organ limpa akan pulih.

Memulihkan fungsi pembuangan kotoran dari usus besar

Kalau anda sering merasa lelah, hati anda bermasalah, maka anda harus lebih cepat beristirahat. Setiap pagi, anda sulit sekali buang air besar, anda bagai sedang berperang dengan kakus saja, itu tentu sangat menyedihkan sekali.

Gejala apa ini? Itu disebabkan daya serap tubuh anda terhadap makanan berserat sudah lemah, mengapa penderita kanker usus besar di Amerika sangat banyak, penderita kanker usus besar di daerah pantai Tiongkok juga banyak, penderita kanker usus besar di Singapura juga menempati urutan dua dari semua penderita kanker, sedangkan hasil riset terhadap penduduk daerah pedalaman

Tiongkok menunjukkan tiada penderita kanker usus, sebab mereka setiap hari buang air besar dengan lancar, begitu jongkok langsung keluar, tinjanya bagai pisang saja, sangat cantik! Bahkan berjejer dengan rapi. Bukan begitu saja, saya jelaskan, tinja orang sehat, diameternya sekitar 2 – 3 cm, berbentuk batangan sepanjang 30 – 45 cm, kalau diletakkan di atas tanah, bisa berguling, bahkan berasap, bahkan ada wangi vanilla.

Pernah suatu hari, Billy menelepon saya dengan gembira, “Pak dosen, apa yang anda katakan memang benar, sebelumnya saya tidak yakin, sekarang saya ingin minta maaf pada anda.”

Saya bertanya: “Apa yang anda tidak yakin?”
“Anda katakan tinja orang sehat wangi vanilla, mana mungkin? Namun sekarang tinja saya sudah wangi vanilla.”

Kenapa? Karena racun dalam usus sudah terbuang, apakah anda tidak merasa tahi lembu ada wangi vanilla? Namun kotoran lembu sekarang sangat bau, sebab makanan lembu sekarang kacau balau, apalagi lembu disuntik antibiotik.

Kalau anda sulit buang air besar, apa artinya ini?
Segala penyakit berawal dari gejala usus besar sulit buang air besar.

Ketika usus besar anda sangat sehat, anda bukan bangun sendiri di pagi hari, namun dibangunkan oleh geliat usus besar. Kenapa?

Karena antara jam 05.00 – 07.00 pagi, usus besar paling aktif bekerja, itu sebabnya kita meminta pasien kanker harus pergi tidur pada jam 21.00 malam, demikian juga dengan pasien kencing manis. Orang pada umumnya harus tidur sebelum jam 23.00 malam, sebab pagi harinya jam 06.00 – 07.00 usus besar akan menggeliat untuk membangunkan anda, meminta anda untuk jongkok di kakus.

Setiap hari berapa kali makan, juga berapa kali buang air besar, kalau begitu berapa kali seharusnya buang air? Ingat!

Kalau 4 – 5 hari buang air sekali, itu artinya menderita penyakit susah buang besar parah,
2 – 3 hari buang air sekali termasuk penyakit susah buang besar tingkat menengah,
sedangkan satu hari hanya sekali buang air besar termasuk penyakit susah buang besar tingkat ringan.

Bagaimana bisa disebut paling sehat dan normal? Berapa kali anda makan, sebegitu banyak kali pula anda buang air besar,
itulah yang disebut sehat, lagi pula setiap kali jongkok, dalam 2 – 3 menit langsung beres.

Lihatlah tinja anda, berjejer dengan rapi, kalau pantat anda dibersihkan dengan kertas tissue, tidak akan ada tinja yang lengket, bersih sekali.
Saya melihat ada sebagian orang sangat kasihan sekali, sepuluh lembar kertas tissue juga tidak sanggup membersihkan sisa kotoran di pantat, orang demikian biasanya tidak memakai kertas tissue, langsung siram saja dengan air.

Sebab tubuhnya sangat kekurangan selulosa. Kalau makanan yang masuk ke dalam badan tidak dikeluarkan dalam jangka waktu 12 jam, akan berubah menjadi zat beracun. Racun yang tidak dibuang keluar ini akan diserap oleh dinding usus besar, racun yang terserap ini akan dikembalikan oleh pembuluh balik gerbang ke hati, itu sungguh celaka! Berakibat kerusakan hati yang bermasalah besar.

Maka, masalah hati berhubungan dengan usus besar, asal usus besar lancar, hati akan pulih dengan sendirinya, sistim kekebalan tubuh juga pulih, darah yang dikirimkan ke jantung juga bersih, tubuh akan sulit terserang penyakit.

Ginjal adalah organ penting untuk metabolisma, pembuangan rekreasi dan racun, cairan darah dalam tubuh melewati ginjal sebanyak 20 kali perjam, kotoran metabolisma dari darah disaring oleh ginjal menjadi urin untuk dikeluarkan dari tubuh. Kalau fungsi ginjal bermasalah, pinggang akan terasa linu-linu, sakit gembur-gembur, dalam cairan darah ada racun urin, tekanan darah tinggi, infeksi saluran kencing, lelah, sulit tidur, telinga berbunyi, rambut rontok, pandangan mata kabur, refleks tubuh berkurang, suka muram, sering merasa cemas, bahkan berpikiran bukan-bukan.

Segala jenis zat beracun yang ditimbulkan oleh minuman, makan dan udara yang masuk ke dalam tubuh, mau pun akibat tekanan batin, semuanya melewati ginjal. Kalau sampah ini terlalu banyak, beban kerja ginjal terlalu berat, dalam jangka pendek akan timbul penyumbatan atau infeksi, dalam jangka panjang akan timbul gejala batu ginjal, fungsi ginjal menurun dan darah tidak bersih, paling parah harus menjalani proses cuci darah buatan, kalau tidak bisa membahayakan jiwa.

Bagi ginjal “pencegahan lebih baik daripada pengobatan”. Tindakan terbaik adalah menjaga kesehatan dan menghindari tindakan merusak ginjal.

Sebab utama kerusakan ginjal adalah:

1. Mengkonsumsi terlalu banyak makanan mengandung protein tinggi dari binatang, akibatnya timbul asam kencing berlebihan, beban kerja ginjal terlalu berat.
2. Kerja terlalu lelah, tekanan terlalu berat, tidak cukup istirahat.
3. Terlalu banyak konsumsi obat-obatan barat, seperti obat pereda sakit dan antibiotik.
4. Lingkungan tercemar: air, tanah, udara dan suara ribut.
5. Terlalu banyak minum arak, kopi, minuman bersoda, air dingin.
6. Cuaca dingin dan basah.
7. Kurang minum air.

Kalau ingin menjaga kesehatan ginjal, harus kurang bahaya di atas, lebih banyak minum air dan jus buah-buahan,
seperti strawberry, cranberry, blueberry, raspberry, semangka dan lemon..

Makan makanan berprotein dari tanaman, olah raga teratur, minum minuman alamiah yang ringan, istirahat secukupnya, menjaga kondisi hati gembira, cegah bagian pinggang jangan terkena udara dingin, sering-sering menggosok bagian pinggang
dengan tepalak tangan, agar ginjal lebih terjaga.

Menjaga kondisi ginjal dengan lemon
Lemon baik untuk ginjal, juga hati.
1. Menjaga kesehatan ginjal dengan jus lemon hangat:
Setiap bangun tidur, buat jus dari sebutir lemon, tambahkan air hangat 200 cc (boleh tambahkan garam laut sedikit agar terasa lebih enak diminum) , minum pelan-pelan dalam kondisi perut kosong, itu bisa membersihkan ginjal, juga memperlancar buang air.

2. Jus lemon untuk membuang batu ginjal

Peras jus dari 12 butir lemon segar (kalau sudah mau diminum baru diperas) , tambahkan air hangat secukupnya (boleh tambahkan garam laut sedikit agar terasa lebih enak diminum), terus minum selama 7 hari (setiap hari 12 butir lemon, makan minum lainnya seperti biasa).
Batu ginjal halus akan keluar bersama dengan urin. Ketika keluar akan terasa sakit, kalau batu ginjal sudah besar, sudah berakibat infeksi dan sakit, boleh minumjus cranberry untuk meredakan sakit dan mengobati infeksi.

Enam cara untuk menghilangkan tekanan batin

Banyak orang pernah menderita tekanan batin akibat beban hidup, beban kerja atau beban hubungan sesama, kalau tekanan batin bisa dikelola dengan baik, akan menjadi sejenis daya dorong yang menimbulkan motivasi hidup.

Akan tetapi, kalau tekanan batin tetap ada, tidak dapat diuraikan, bahkan semakin bertambah, ini akan mendatangkan masalah besar pada kelenjar ginjal dan hormon, membangkitkan penyakit dalam sistim kekebalan tubuh, berakibat masalah sangat parah.

Sebagian besar penderita depresi disebabkan oleh tekanan batin sangat besar yang datang secara tiba-tiba, tanpa sanggup menguraikannya.
Tekanan batin datang ketika bertemu kesulitan besar, maka kita harus belajar menangani kesulitan.

Kanker berhubungan paling erat dengan tekanan batin, umumnya enam bulan sebelum terserang kanker, penderitanya dilanda masalah dengan tekanan batin berat. Ketika ada tekanan batin, anda harus belajar rileks.

Hembusan nafas bisa berpengaruh pada frekuensi gelombang otak, frekuensi gelombang otak bisa berpengaruh pada kecepatan detak jantung, kecepatan detak jantung bisa berpengaruh pada kecepatan ketat-lemasnya otot. Dengan kata lain, ketika anda merubah cara bernafas, kondisi otot dan perasaan akan membaik, cara ini juga dipergunakan untuk terapi pasien makan langsung muntah.

1. Menggosok kedua telapak tangan.
Ketika mata anda lelah, cara ini paling efektif, dapat membantu kelancaran aliran darah, stamina dan semangat akan segera timbul kembali.

2. Berolah raga
Dengan seluruh badan bergoncang, semangat akan kembali dengan segera, paling baik kalau olah raga rutin, sebab olah raga adalah cara terbaik untuk melepaskan tekanan batin. Selain itu, berjalan kaki dengan kaki ayam di atas rerumputan, juga dapat melepaskan tekanan batin, persyaratan mendasar harus menjadikannya sebagai rutinitas dalam kehidupan sehari- hari.

3. Tidur
Namun orang sekarang kebanyakan sulit tidur nyenyak. Menurut statistik dokter Taiwan, di Taiwan ada sebanyak 5 juta warga yang hanya bisa tidur dengan bantuan obat tidur. Tidur itu adalah tekniknya, harus diingat kala tidur jangan meletakkan tangan di depan dada, bisa mendatangkan mimpi buruk.
Juga jangan letakkan di bagian pinggang, bisa menyebabkan tekanan pada organ tubuh, paling baik letakkan di kedua samping tubuh, dengan telapak tangan menghadap ke atas.

Semakin baik tidur seseorang, tekanan batin semakin cepat hilang. Namun jangan tunggu sampai sangat lelah baru tidur, malah akan lebih sulit untuk tidur, sudah lelah masih susah tidur berarti hati sudah rusak berat karena menderita dua kali, yaitu lelah dan tidak bisa istirahat.

4. Istirahat.
Istirahat berbeda dengan tidur, istirahat adalah meninggalkan pekerjaan semula dan menukarnya dengan sebuah pemandangan. . Contohnya saat makan jangan lakukan di meja kerja semula, usahakan membawa bekal makanan dari rumah atau disediakan perusahaan, jangan makan di luar, hanya menghabiskan waktu, apalagi kebanyakan makan di luar dapat merupakan biang kanker. Usahakan membawa bekal sendiri, makan mengikuti formula buang racun saya ini, setelah makan, sisakan 15 menit untuk mengerjakan hal yang tiada hubungan dengan kerja sama sekali. Sisa waktu pergunakan untuk melakukan senam pernafasan dengan perut, melalui gerak pernafasan buat diri agar rileks.

5. Menjaga makan minum, jangan konsumsi makanan bertekanan tinggi, semua makanan yang menyebabkan iritasi merupakan makanan bertekanan tinggi, semakin banyak konsumsi makanan ini akan membuat saraf simpatetik bekerja berlebihan, kadangkala mengganggu semua fungsi tubuh hingga berada dalam kondisi bahaya. Apa yang disebut makanan bertekanan tinggi? Coca cola, kopi, teh, alkohol, rokok, produk turunan susu dan produk turunan daging, semua jenis daging, terutama yang telah diproses dengan minyak merupakan makanan bertekanan tinggi.

Makanan jenis apa yang bisa membuat perasaan gembira? Sayur-sayuran, buah-buahan dan biji-bijian. Minuman paling manjur menurunkan tekanan adalah air.
Minum air bisa mengurangi tekanan, minum air yang baik dapat menghilangkan tekanan batin. (WHO menemukan, lebih dari 80% penyakit berhubungan langsung dengan sumber air yang kurang bersih).

6. Berjemur sinar mentari.

Sinar mentari memiliki kemampuan pengobatan. Banyak penderita depresi merupakan orang yang tidak suka mandi sinar mentari, dengan sering berjemur sinar mentari, antibodi akan meningkat.



Pemikiran tentang :

Indonesia BISA ???

Produsen oil and gas"Manusia Besi"
dari Daqing

Pemandangan yang tidak biasa terlihat saat memasuki kota Daqing
(baca: Taching), sebuah kota kecil di bagian utara China, tepatnya di Provinsi
Heilongjiang. Pipa-pipa minyak dan puluhan ribu sumur minyak terlihat ”hidup
berdampingan” dengan permukiman, rumah sakit, dan pusat perbelanjaan.
Ada sedikitnya 70.000 sumur minyak di kota yang hanya memiliki luas 22,161
kilometer persegi atau separuh dari luas kota Cimahi di Indonesia. Sumur-sumur
itu berdekatan lokasinya. Ada yang hanya 3 meter jaraknya.
Pompa angguk mendominasi di sumur-sumur minyak tersebut, di samping sumur
pompa listrik dan sumur alami yang juga digunakan untuk menyedot minyak dari
perut bumi.

Pompa minyak yang mengangguk-angguk tanpa henti seakan menjadi penghias kota.
Apalagi semua sumur minyak terlihat bersih dan posisinya tersebar di taman kota,
sudut jalan raya, di dekat apartemen, bahkan di halaman mal.
”Penyekat minyak (oil seal) terjaga baik sehingga tidak terlihat ceceran
minyak,” tutur Rudi Rubiandini, ahli perminyakan dari Institut Teknologi
Bandung, yang bersama Kompas dan Badan Pengelola Minyak dan Gas diundang oleh
Petrochina ke Daqing, pertengahan Mei lalu.

Tiang setinggi sekitar 30 meter atau flare stack, alat untuk membakar gas
ikutan dari produksi minyak, dan kilang-kilang minyak yang tersebar di pinggiran
kota, seakan menjadi hiasan tambahan di kota tersebut.

Meskipun alat perminyakan tersebar di sudut-sudut kota, aktivitas 2,7 juta
warga Daqing berjalan seperti biasa. ”Kekhawatiran kecelakaan yang diakibatkan
alat-alat perminyakan memang ada. Namun, hal itu bisa dihilangkan karena kami
yakin kecelakaan itu dapat dicegah,” ujar Chen Jiu Xin (25), warga Daqing.
Keyakinan itu pula yang menjadi pendorong investor tidak ragu membangun pusat
perbelanjaan dan apartemen baru yang banyak terlihat di setiap sudut kota
Daqing. Tanpa keberadaan bangunan baru itu saja, gedung-gedung bertingkat di
kota ini sudah jauh lebih banyak daripada Surabaya, kota terbesar kedua di

”Monitoring alat-alat perminyakan terus kami lakukan setiap hari. Jika
terjadi apa-apa, dalam waktu tidak sampai sepuluh menit tim kami sudah ada di
lokasi. Keselamatan warga menjadi prioritas,” kata Wakil Direktur Kementerian
Pemasaran Petrochina Daqing Oilfield Hou Yunfu meyakinkan keamanan alat-alat
perminyakan di Daqing.


Beroperasinya alat-alat perminyakan di sudut-sudut kota Daqing ini tidak bisa
dielakkan. Sejak eksploitasi tahun 1963 hingga sekarang, kontribusi minyak dari
Daqing sangat besar pada total produksi minyak China, atau mencapai 40 persen,
dan masih menjadi yang terbesar di China meski sekitar tahun 2000 mengalami
Sejak tahun 1970, produksi minyak Daqing sekitar 1,4 juta barrel per hari.
Namun, sejak tahun 2000, produksi minyak turun menjadi 1 juta barrel per

Dari ladang minyak Daqing ini pula China mampu memenuhi kebutuhan minyak
dalam negerinya sejak 1963 hingga 1993. Pada 1993, China terpaksa mengimpor
minyak seiring masifnya industrialisasi di China.
Meski pada akhirnya terpaksa mengimpor, stabilnya produksi minyak dalam waktu
sekian lama di Daqing dinilai sebagai pencapaian luar biasa.
Hou Yunfu mengatakan, keberhasilan itu bukan karena banyaknya teknologi baru
yang diterapkan, melainkan karena injeksi air yang tepat dan jumlahnya sesuai
dengan jumlah minyak yang terkandung di setiap lapisan.

”Sistem ini lebih efektif untuk meningkatkan recovery oil (mengangkat minyak
bumi lebih banyak dari perut bumi),” ujar Hou Yunfu. Jumlah recovery oil ini
bisa di atas 45 persen. Jumlah itu sekitar 15 persen lebih tinggi daripada
rata-rata tingkat recovery oil di Indonesia.

Cara injeksi air ini lebih diutamakan oleh Petrochina meskipun sekarang
perusahaan minyak itu sedang mencoba cara lain, seperti penggunaan polimer,
alkali, dan busa untuk meningkatkan recovery oil. Penggunaan bahan-bahan ini
diperkirakan mampu membuat recovery oil hingga 70 persen.
Recovery oil menjadi cara tersisa

untuk mempertahankan produksi minyak di Daqing saat ini. Pengeboran baru tidak
menjadi pilihan karena biaya yang dikeluarkan tidak lagi sebanding dengan minyak
yang diperoleh seiring terus menyusutnya cadangan minyak dalam tanah.
Rudi Rubiandini mengatakan, analisis data yang kuat, meskipun pengerjaannya
terbilang rumit dan butuh keuletan, menjadi kunci keberhasilan stabilnya
produksi minyak dan tingginya recovery oil. ”Ladang-ladang minyak di Indonesia
yang menurun produksi dan recovery oil- nya rendah bisa mencontoh yang berhasil
dilakukan China,” ujarnya.

Stabilkan produksi

Keberhasilan menstabilkan produksi di Daqing menjadi bukti pekerja tambang di
Daqing saat ini bisa meneruskan kerja keras yang dilakukan para pekerja tambang
di Daqing saat pengeboran pertama kali tahun 1960. Kerja keras untuk melepaskan
China dari krisis minyak. Saat itu minyak yang diproduksi di China hanya mampu
memenuhi 40 persen dari kebutuhan dalam negeri.
Ribuan pekerja tambang saat itu mampu menambang minyak di Daqing saat
keterbatasan modal, alat berat, suplai air, suhu udara yang dingin, dan minimnya
pengalaman menjadi kendala utama. Semua diatasi dengan modal utama,

Ketiadaan mesin derek untuk mengangkut alat-alat pengeboran seberat lebih
dari 60 ton dapat mereka atasi dengan mengangkut bagian demi bagian alat
pengeboran itu dari kereta api ke lokasi pengeboran.
Ketiadaan saluran air, mereka atasi dengan mengangkut air dari kolam yang
tertutup es, yang berjarak sekitar 1 kilometer dari lokasi pengeboran.
Semangat ini kian menguat tatkala mereka melihat Wang Jinxi berupaya
mengontrol blow out (minyak bertekanan tinggi dan tidak terkontrol dari dalam

Dia masuk ke kolam lumpur pengeboran dan dengan tangan serta kakinya
mengarahkan semen bercampur tanah untuk menutup blow out. Dia mencegah blow out
meruntuhkan alat pengeboran setinggi 20 meter yang telah susah payah
Tindakannya ini menjadikan Wang Jinxi sebagai salah satu pahlawan di China.
Dia kemudian disebut manusia besi (iron man). Kisah perjuangannya diceritakan ke
seantero negeri. Film tentang perjuangannya dan manusia besi lainnya di Daqing
pun dibuat. Sampai sekarang, kisah perjuangan itu terus ”diwariskan” kepada
generasi muda China.

Tidak sampai akhir tahun 1960, pengeboran di Daqing telah membuahkan hasil.
Minyak dikirim ke sejumlah kota di China. Selang tiga tahun kemudian, atau tahun
1963, China sudah bisa memenuhi semua kebutuhan minyaknya akibat besarnya
pasokan minyak dari Daqing.

Keberhasilan dari generasi awal ”manusia besi” inilah yang kemudian disebut
”Semangat Daqing” yang terus memotivasi generasi manusia besi berikutnya.
Generasi penerus manusia besi tidak hanya mampu mempertahankan produksi
minyak Daqing untuk sekian lama, tetapi juga mampu memproduksi dan menjual
alat-alat untuk pengeboran ke luar China.

Perusahaan Powerlift, yang didirikan sejak 1981 sebagai contoh, sekarang
mampu memproduksi sekitar 5.000 pompa turbin dan pompa spiral setiap tahunnya.
Kedua pompa ini telah dijual dan digunakan di ladang minyak di Amerika Serikat, Sudan, Arab Saudi, bahkan di Indonesia.

Kedua jenis pompa produksi Powerlift yang

memiliki pabrik di Daqing dan Shanghai ini mampu bersaing dengan pompa sejenis
produksi perusahaan Reda dan Centrilift, dua perusahaan di AS yang selama ini
menguasai pasar penjualan pompa turbin dan pompa spiral.
”Perhatian yang besar pada produksi alat-alat pengeboran berkaca pada
menurunnya produksi minyak dalam negeri. Ini bisa menjadi industri
pengganti saat minyak tidak tersisa lagi di China,” ujar Asisten Presiden
Perusahaan Powerlift Yun Jingtao.

”Manusia-manusia besi” muda itu pula yang mampu membawa alat perminyakan
mereka beserta pengetahuan dan teknologi yang dimiliki untuk mengebor minyak di
negara lain tatkala kandungan minyak di China kian menipis. Petrochina, satu
dari tiga perusahaan minyak China, telah beroperasi di 26 negara, termasuk
Indonesia salah satunya. Semangat Daqing yang muncul 50 tahun yang lalu tetap
lestari hingga sekarang, mencetak ”manusia-manusia besi” baru di China. Adakah
”manusia besi” serupa muncul di Indonesia?
Sumber :
http://cetak. read/xml/ 2010/06/25/ 03102948/ manusia.besi. dari.daqing

Pemikiran tentang :

Marxism VS Ecology

Marxism and Ecology

David W. Schwartzman

Sustainability is the buzz word of the 90s. Ever since the Brundtland Report (1987) injected this word into political environmental discourse, it has been used by everyone from the World Bank to Greenpeace. All now give at least lip service to the goal of a sustainable economy preserving and protecting the global biosphere. The reality of an environmental/ecological crisis is of course the backdrop for this phenomenon. Its severity is a matter of debate. Several papers in this issue touch on this question. But arguably for Marxists the fundamental challenge posed by the ecological question is the renovation of Marxist theory and practice in face of present and potential environmental/ecological threats to humanity’s quality of life and even future existence.

Let us begin this special issue of S&S with the following question: can capitalism be sustainable in any meaningful sense? Its answer has profound implications to the task of renovating Marxism. Recent papers from two Marxist scholars give somewhat contradictory answers. For James O’Connor (1994), the theorist of the second contradiction of capitalism (relations/forces versus the conditions of production, the latter comprised of the social and natural environment as well as labor power itself), the short answer is no, the longer answer is probably not (this qualification is a recognition of the primacy of the political as we will shortly see). In contrast, Blair Sandler (1994) argues for likelihood of the emergence of green capitalism. Here sustainability is defined as an expanding economy into the foreseeable future compatible with the preservation, even restoration of the global biosphere. Both are deeply convinced that widespread misery and
inequality in the human population will persist in a future global system of capitalism whether or not sustainability in the above sense will be achieved. In Sandler’s words: Sustainability, viability, survival, are compatible with poverty, misery, death, and destruction. However, the notion that full ecological sustainability could coexist with mass poverty is highly problematic, since the two are strongly incompatible at present (e.g., social and ecologic effects of the so-called green agricultural revolution). In short, saying capitalism is sustainable isn’t saying it SHOULD be sustained (Doug Boucher, personal communication).

Like most contemporary Marxist commentators, O’Connor believes that expanded reproduction of capital, what Sandler calls GOD (grow or die), is necessary for the continued viability of a capitalist economy, for its sustainability in this sense. Profit and growth are ...means and ends of one another Without profit there is no viability to capitalism. In this assessment, Burkett (this issue) joins O’Connor in a belief in GOD. Contrary to eco-Marxists who think Marx essentially left out nature in his political economy (e.g., Benton, 1989), Burkett argues that Marx’s value theory recognizes capitalism’s inherent tendency to despoil nature. In Burkett’s view, the hegemony of abstract labor time in capitalist society suppresses use value, and in so doing undermines the necessary role of nature in social reproduction. Ecological and class struggles are thus united in their opposition to the valorization of social relations.

O’Connor’s pessimism with regard to plausibility of green capitalism is based on arguments from a more concrete level, the likelihood of impending global economic depression, and the weakness of the potential political coalition (i.e., environmental, labor, women’s movements etc.) that might constrain capital to act more sustainably, for example by forcing global economic management. In contrast, Sandler is much more optimistic. The GOD position is critiqued as an example of economic essentialism. Many eco-Marxists who support the GOD position argue that capitalism and nature are inherently incompatible since capital must grow without limit and the biosphere has limits, i.e., GOD = GAD (grow and die) (e.g., Foster, 1994; O’Connor has a more nuanced position based on the primacy of the political). The physical concept of entropy is often brought into these discussions of the limits to economic growth (see papers by Lovejoy and Schwartzman,
this issue).

Sandler’s argument is centered on the concept of the environmental regime, which -borrowing from structualist Marxism- is the over determined complex of nature, culture, politics and economic processes relative to environmentalism. Social constraints alter the character of capital reproduction. For example, both Sandler and O’Connor recognize the analogy between earlier struggles to shorten the workweek, forcing capital to move to the mode of relative surplus value production, to that of the environmental movement forcing capital to utilize green modes of production. Sandler is confident that the latter development will lead to lowering costs and increase profits, while O’Connor believes the conjuncture of foreseeable political economy makes this outcome very unlikely (e.g., with the costs of pollution control subtracting from profits).

Sandler expects a profound restructuring of capital resulting from radical ecological reconstitution of the material infrastructure and productive technologies. Is this scenario really so far-fetched? Apparently large sectors of finance capital now take very seriously the negative financial impact of global warming (Hertsgaard, 1996). The environment could become the biggest market of the 21st century. In the words of an executive from AT&T.. We are talking about restructuring the technological basis of our entire economy... integrating environmental considerations into all technology and economic behavior (Hertsgaard, 1996). This transformation would first of all entail diverting capital from carbon to solar, a policy now apparently being seriously planned by the insurance industry, one of the few industries that is just as big as Big Oil, the latter arguably among the main obstacles to solarization.

Perhaps GOD can survive in vigorous health in a radically restructured global capitalist economy powered by the virtually limitless solar flux (a point made by Commoner, 1990; with the caveat that practical considerations will ultimately pose limits to extensive growth even for the direct collection of solar flux- see Lovejoy’s paper). Other components of this restructuring include dematerialization (doing more with less, as with many applications of computers), expanded utilization of information-intensive technology, and implementation of industrial ecology (closed cycle production/consumption flows) (see Hawken, 1993). This theme is taken up in David Schwartzman’s paper, but in the context of extending sustainability to its full potential, fulfilling both nature’s and human needs in a future global communist civilization.

Lovejoy in his short paper lucidly documents the limits of unsustainable capitalist reproduction imposed by the reliance on fossil fuels, and outlines a plausible scenario from UN sponsored studies of the solar alternative. As a footnote to his paper, the latest IPCC report on global warming projects 92 million people at risk from a rise in sea level by 2100, with significant threats to human health by spread of disease (Monastersky, 1995).

Boucher’s paper is a persuasive polemic against a green politics based on the emphasis of ecocatastrophe resulting from capitalism. A more likely scenario, he argues, would be gradual reduction in biodiversity and quality of life for the great majority of the world’s people. However, what if there is also good evidence for impending ecocatastrophe, or at least for its plausibility based on the inherent chaotic character of natural systems being perturbed by human activity? For example, avalanche-like behavior is plausible for both global warming and ozone depletion, i.e., sudden qualitative shifts in the system (the S&S readership will recognize the dialectical nature of this conception) amounting to catastrophes (e.g. virtual depletion of ozone globally). Boucher and Schwartzman both advocate the adoption of the precautionary principle to minimize just this kind of outcome.

The possibility of a sustainable future that includes the goal of meeting global human needs is of course contingent on viable strategies that could radically constrain capital, perhaps to the point of constituting the transitional society defined as socialism, in classical Marxism. O’Connor argues that this outcome (ecological socialism) is somewhat more hopeful than a sustainable capitalism. Perhaps part of this debate is really semantic, since at what point does a society with progressively constrained capital become worthy of being called socialist? When does radical reform become revolutionary? (Deja vu of an old debate?) In any case both Sandler and O’Connor argue for a proactive red/green movement that challenges the hegemony of capital.

In his re-interrogation of Hardin’s notorious Tragedy of the Commons, Vandermeer points to three potential approaches to avoiding the destruction of the commons (essentially equivalent to nature): social regulation; privatization; and elimination of private ownership and competition. Depending on specific modalities, each or even a combination of all three could constitute elements of red-green political practice (e.g., cooperative ownership within a system of democratic management of the economy). Burkett argues for the necessity of red-green practice contesting capitalist production relations. My own paper advocates the building of a sustainability coalition which would include, in contradictory relations, fractions of finance capital.

Finally, Sundararajan’s paper addresses the question of ecology’s philosophical implications to Marxism. She emphasizes the distinction between natura naturans (constituting nature) and natura naturata (constituted nature), concepts going back to the Renaissance. For example, the humanization of nature takes two forms: n. naturata stands for the transformative impact of human technology on nature, while n. naturans the constitution of nature as a meaningful order. In her view an ecological Marxism would recognize the dialectical unity of these two conceptions, as well as a non-productionist view of nature - a nature with intrinsic value. Let both Marxists and deep ecologists take note!


Benton, Ted. 1989. Marxism and natural limits. New Left Review 178 (November-December), 51-86.

Commoner, Barry. 1990. Making Peace with the Planet.. New York: Pantheon.

Foster, John Bellamy. 1994. The Vulnerable Planet. New York: Monthly Review Press.

Hawken, Paul. 1993. The Ecology of Commerce. New York: HarperBusiness.

Hertsgaard, Mark, 1996. Who’s afraid of global warming? The Washington Post, Outlook, January 21, pages C1, C4.

Monastersky, R., 1995. World climate panel charts path for action. Science News 148, 293.

O’Connor, James, 1994. Is sustainable capitalism possible? Pp. 152-175, in Is Capitalism Sustainable?, ed. Martin O’Connor, New York: Guilford Press.

Sandler, Blair, 1994. Grow or die: Marxist theories of capitalism and the environment. Rethinking Marxism 7:2, 38-57.

Pemikiran tentang :

Pengusaha pintar

Pengusaha Sering Manfaatkan Celah Kekosongan Aturan Izin Lingkungan

- Peraturan Pemerintah tentang izin
lingkungan sebagai turunan UU Perlindungan dan Pengelolaan Lingkungan Hidup
(UU No.32 Tahun 2009) yang belum ada sering, dimanfaatkan para pengusaha

"Sekarang ratusan izin pertambangan sudah dikeluarkan tanpa mengindahkan
izin lingkungan," ujar Manajer Hukum dan Kebijakan Wahana Lingkungan Hidup,
Jumi Rahayu di Jakarta, Kamis (10/6).

Sesuai UU Perlindungan dan Pengelolaan Lingkungan Hidup, setiap izin untuk
pertambangan ataupun izin usaha, harus memiliki izin lingkungan sebelum
memulai operasionalnya.

Tapi karena saat ini kondisinya masih ad interim (belum ada peraturannya),
Jumi menambahkan, maka dimanfaatkan pemerintah daerah dan pengusaha untuk
memuluskan izin usahanya. "Akibatnya kalau peraturan pemerintah nanti
keluar, ratusan usaha justru sudah dimulai," jelasnya.

Manajer Kampanye Sektor Tambang Wahana Lingkungan Hidup
Indonesia (Walhi)
Pius Ginting memaparkan data dari laman fraser institute menunjukkan
pemerintah Indonesia lemah dalam penegakkan hukum lingkungan. Survei yang
dilakukan pada ratusan perusahaan pertambangan di dunia selama 2008-2009
membuktikan penegakan hukum lingkungan di Indonesia lebih lemah ketimbang
Bolivia, Guetamala dan Kyrgistan. "CEO-CEO tambang itu menyimpulkan aturan
di Indonesia tidak kuat sehingga bukan alasan utama untuk tidak berinvestasi
di Indonesia," paparnya.

Perusahaan-perusahaan tersebut menilai selain hukum yang lemah, pengakuan
terhadap tanah adat atau masyarakat di Indonesia masih kurang. "Akibatnya
lihat saja, kawasan pertambangan selalu jadi bencana bagi masyrakat
sekitar," kata Pius.

Tapi pemerintah justru tahun ini masih memprioritaskan pendapatan dari
sektor pertambangan. "Targetnya justru 40 wilayah tambang per tahun,
terutama di Kawasan Indonesia Timur," Ia menambahkan. Padahal kawasan
tersebut justru kini sarat konflik dengan masyarakat lokal dan rentan
kerusakan lingkungan.

sumber ;

Pemikiran tentang :

UU No 22 Tahun 2009

UU No 22 THN 2009 Tentang Lalu Lintas
& Angkutan Jalan

1. Setiap Orang

Mengakibatkan gangguan pada : fungsi rambu lalu lintas, Marka Jalan, Alat pemberi isyarat lalu lintas fasilitas pejalan kaki, dan alat pengaman pengguna jalan.
Pasal 275 ayat (1) jo pasal 28 ayat (2)
Denda : Rp 250.000

2. Setiap Pengguna Jalan

Tidak mematui perintah yang diberikan petugas Polri sebagaimana dimaksud dalam pasal 104 ayat ( 3 ), yaitu dalam keadaan tertentu untuk ketertiban dan kelancaran lalu lintas wajib untuk : Berhenti, jalan terus, mempercepat, memperlambat, dan / atau mengalihkan arus kendaraan.
Pasal 282 jo Pasal 104 ayat (3)
Denda : Rp 250.000


a. Tidak bawa SIM

Tidak dapat menunjukkan Surat Ijin Mengemudi yang Sah
Pasal 288 ayat (2) jo Pasal 106 ayat (5) hrf b.
Denda : Rp 250.000

b. Tidak memiliki SIM

Mengemudikan kendaraan bermotor di jalan,tidak memiliki Surat Izin Mengemudi
Pasal 281 jo Pasal 77 ayat (1)
Denda : Rp 1.000.000

c. STNK / STCK tidak Sah

Kendaraan Bermotor tidak dilengkapi dengan STNK atau STCK yang ditetapka oleh Polri.
Psl 288 ayat (1) jo Psl 106 ayat (5) huruf a.
Denda : Rp 500.000

d. TNKB tidak Sah

Kendaraan Bermotor tidak dipasangi Tanda Nomor Kendaraan Bermotor yang ditetapkan oleh Polri.
Pasal 280 jo pasal 68 ayat (1)
Denda : Rp 500.000

e. Perlengkapan yg dpt membahayakan keselamatan.

Kendaraan bermotor dijalan dipasangi perlengkapan yang dapat menganggu keselamatan berlalu lintas antara lain ; Bumper tanduk dan lampu menyilaukan.
Pasal 279 jo Pasal 58
Denda : Rp 500.000

f. Sabuk Keselamatan

Tidak mengenakan Sabuk Keselamatan
Psl 289 jo Psl 106 Ayat (6)
Denda : Rp 250.000

g. lampu utama malam hari

Tanpa menyalakan lampu utama pada malam hari dan kondisi tertentu.
Pasal 293 ayat (1)jo pasal 107 ayat (1)
Denda : rp 250.000

h. Cara penggandengan dan penempelan dgn kendaraan lain

Melanggar aturan tata cara penggandengan dan penempelan dengan kendaraan lain Pasal 287 ayat (6) jo pasal 106 (4) hrf h
Denda : Rp 250.000

i. Ranmor Tanpa Rumah-rumah

Selain Spd Motor Mengemudikan Kendaraan yang tidak dilengkapi dengan rumah –rumah, tidak mengenakan sabuk keselamatan dan tidak mengenakan Helm.
Pasal 290 jo Pasal 106 (7).
Denda : Rp 250.000

j. Gerakan lalu lintas

Melanggar aturan gerakan lalu litas atau tata cara berhenti dan parkir
Pasal 287 ayat (3) jo Pasal 106 ayat (4) e
Denda : Rp 250.000

k. Kecepatan Maksimum dan minimum

Melanggar aturan Batas Kecepatan paling Tinggi atau Paling Rendah
Psl 287 ayat(5) jo Psl 106 ayat (4) hrf (g) atau psl 115 hrf (a)
Denda : Rp 500.000

l. Membelok atau berbalik arah

Tidak memberikan isyarat dengan lampu penunjuk arah atau isyarat tangan saat akan membelok atau berbalik arah. Pasal 294 jo pasal 112 (1).
Denda : Rp 250.000

m. Berpindah lajur atau bergerak ke samping

Tidak memberikan isyarat saat akan berpindah lajur atau bergerak kesamping.
Pasal 295 jo pasal 112 ayat (2)
Denda : Rp 250.000

n. Melanggar Rambu atau

Marka Melanggar aturan Perintah atau larangan yang dinyatakan dengan Rambu lalu lintas atau Marka
Psl 287 ayat(1) jo psl 106(4) hrf (a) dan Psl 106 ayat(4) hrf (b)
Denda : Rp 500.000

o.Melanggar Apill ( TL )

Melanggar aturan Perintah atau larangan yang dinyatakan dgn alat pemberi isyarat Lalu Lintas. Psl 287 ayat (2) jo psl 106(4) hrf (c)
Denda : Rp 500.000

p.Mengemudi tidak Wajar

- Melakukan kegiatan lain saat mengemudi
-Dipengaruhi oleh suatu keadaan yang mengakibatkan gangguan konsentrasi dalam mengemudi di jalan
Pasal 283 jo pasal 106 (1).
Denda : Rp 750.000

q.Diperlintasan Kereta Api

Mengemudikan Kendaran bermotor pada perlintasan antara Kereta Api dan Jalan, tidak berhenti ketika sinyal sudah berbunyi, Palang Pintu Kereta Api sudah mulai ditutup, dan / atau ada isyarat lain.
Pasal 296 jo pasal 114 hrf (a)
Denda : Rp 750.000

r. Berhenti dalam Keadaan darurat.

Tidak Memasang segitiga pengaman, lampu isyarat peringatan Bahaya atau isyarat lain pada saat berhenti atau parkir dalam keadaan darurat dijalan.
Pasal 298 jo psl 121 ayat (1)
Denda : Rp 500.000

s. Hak utama Kendaraan tertentu

Tidak memberi Prioritas jalan bagi kend bermotor memiliki hak utama yang menggunakan alat peringatan dengan bunyi dan sinar dan / atau yang dikawal oleh petugas Polri.
a. Kend Pemadam Kebakaran yg sdg melaks tugas

b. Ambulan yang mengangkut orang sakit ;

c.Kend untuk memberikan pertolongan pd kecelakaan
Lalu lintas;

d. Kendaraan Pimpinan Lembaga Negara Republik

e. Kend Pimpinan dan Pejabat Negara Asing serta Lembaga
internasional yg menjadi tamu Negara;

f. Iring – iringan Pengantar Jenazah; dan

g. Konvoi dan / atau kend utk kepentingan tertentu menurut

pertimbangan petugas Kepolisian RI.
Pasal 287 ayat (4) jo Pasal 59 dan pasal 106 (4) huruf (f) jo Pasal 134 dan pasal 135.
Denda : Rp 250.000

t. Hak pejalan kaki atau Pesepeda

Tidak mengutamakan pejalan kaki atau pesepeda
Pasal 284 jo 106 ayat (2).
Denda : Rp 500.000

Sumber :

Pemikiran tentang :

"BP" How They Do It??????

BP Pledges $500 Million for Independent Research into Impact of Spill on Marine Environment

Release date: 24 May 2010

BP today announced a commitment of up to $500 million to an open research program studying the impact of the Deepwater Horizon incident, and its associated response, on the marine and shoreline environment of the Gulf of Mexico .

"BP has made a commitment to doing everything we can to lessen the impact of this tragic incident on the people and environment of the Gulf Coast . We must make every effort to understand that impact. This will be a key part of the process of restoration, and for improving the industry response capability for the future. There is an urgent need to ensure that the scientific community has access to the samples and the raw data it needs to begin this work," said Tony Hayward, BP's chief executive.

The key questions to be addressed by this 10-year research program reflect discussions with the US government and academic scientists in Washington DC last week. BP will fund research to examine topics including:

  • Where are the oil, the dispersed oil, and the dispersant going under the action of ocean currents?
  • How do oil, the dispersed oil and the dispersant behave on the seabed, in the water column, on the surface, and on the shoreline?
  • What are the impacts of the oil, the dispersed oil, and the dispersant on the biota of the seabed, the water column, the surface, and the shoreline?
  • How do accidental releases of oil compare to natural seepage from the seabed?
  • What is the impact of dispersant on the oil? Does it help or hinder biodegradation?
  • How will the oil, the dispersed oil, and the dispersant interact with tropical storms, and will this interaction impact the seabed, the water column and the shoreline?
  • What can be done to improve technology:
    • To detect oil, dispersed oil, and dispersant on the seabed, in the water column, and on the surface?
    • For remediating the impact of oil accidently released to the ocean?

BP already has ongoing marine research programs in the Gulf of Mexico . Building on these, BP will appoint an independent advisory panel to construct the long term research program. Where appropriate, the studies may be coordinated with the ongoing natural resources damages assessment. The program will engage some of the best marine biologists and oceanographers in the world. More immediately, a baseline of information for the long term research program is needed. A first grant to Louisiana State University will help kick start this work.

"LSU has a significant amount of experience in dealing with the oil and gas industry and deep knowledge pertaining to the Gulf of Mexico across numerous topical disciplines. The first part of the program is about obtaining and analyzing samples and assessing immediate impacts. Other areas of importance will emerge as researchers become engaged and the potential impacts from the spill are better understood," said Professor Christopher D'Elia, Dean of the School of the Coast and Environment.

Subsequent awards will be controlled by the independent advisory board.

Notes to editors:

  • BP has been collaborating with the Scripps Institution of Oceanography since 2004 in a program aimed at gaining a better understanding of the environment and hazards in oceans, including marine electromagnetic research. The focus of oceanography efforts has been loop currents in the Gulf of Mexico .
  • In 2008, as part of the Deepwater Environmental Long-term Observatory System (DELOS), BP installed the world's first system designed to monitor deep-sea marine life. DELOS is supported by Texas A&M in Galveston , Scripps Institution of Oceanography, Monterey Bay Aquarium Research Institute, University of Aberdeen , National Oceanography Centre in Southampton and the University of Glasgow .

Release date: 24 May 2010

BP today provided an update on developments in the response to the MC252 oil well incident in the Gulf of Mexico .

Subsea Source Control and Containment

Subsea efforts continue to focus on progressing options to stop the flow of oil from the well through interventions via the blow out preventer (BOP) and to collect the flow of oil from the leak points. These efforts are being carried out in conjunction with governmental authorities and other industry experts.

Plans continue to develop a so called “top kill” operation where heavy drilling fluids are injected into the well to stem the flow of oil and gas and ultimately kill the well. Successfully killing the well may be followed by cement to seal the well. Most of the equipment is on site and preparations continue for this operation, with a view to deployment in a few days.

This is a complex operation requiring sophisticated diagnostic work and precise execution. As a result, it involves significant uncertainties and it is not possible to assure its success or to put a definite timescale on its deployment.

Drilling of the first relief well, which began on May 2 continues as does drilling of a second relief well, begun on May 16. Each of these wells is estimated to take some three months to complete from the commencement of drilling.

Work goes on to optimise the oil and gas collected from the damaged riser through the riser insertion tube tool (RITT). The collection rate continues to vary, primarily due to the flow parameters and physical characteristics within the riser.

In the period from May 17th to May 23rd, the daily oil rate collected by the RITT has ranged from 1,360 barrels of oil per day (b/d) to 3,000 b/d, and the daily gas rate has ranged from 4 million cubic feet per day (MMCFD) to 17 MMCFD.

In the same period, the average daily rate of oil and gas collected by the RITT containment system at the end of the leaking riser has been 2,010 barrels of oil per day (BOPD) and 10 MMCFD of gas. The oil is being stored and gas is being flared on the drillship Discoverer Enterprise, on the surface 5,000 feet above.

The RITT remains a new technology and both its continued operation and its effectiveness in capturing the oil and gas remain uncertain.

The US Government has appointed a flow rate technical team (FRTT) to determine the well flow rate. The FRTT includes the US Coast Guard, NOAA, MMS, Department of Energy and the US Geological Survey. BP will continue to promptly provide all information necessary to make as accurate an assessment as possible of the rate of flow.

Surface Spill Response and Containment

Work continues to collect and disperse oil that has reached the surface of the sea. Over 1,100 vessels are involved in the response effort, including skimmers, tugs, barges and recovery vessels.

Intensive operations to skim oil from the surface of the water have now recovered, in total, some 243,000 barrels (10.2 million gallons) of oily liquid. The total length of boom deployed as part of efforts to prevent oil reaching the coast is now nearly 2.5 million feet, including over 730,000 feet of sorbent boom.

In total, over 22,000 personnel from BP, other companies and government agencies are currently involved in the response to this incident. So far 23,000 claims have been filed and 9,000 have already been paid.

The cost of the response to date amounts to about $760 million, including the cost of the spill response, containment, relief well drilling, grants to the Gulf states, claims paid and federal costs. It is too early to quantify other potential costs and liabilities associated with the incident.

The Riser Insertion Tube Tool involves inserting a four-inch diameter tube into the Horizon’s riser (21-inch diameter pipe) between the well and the broken end of the riser on the seafloor in 5,000 feet of water

The insertion tube would be connected to a new riser to allow hydrocarbons to flow up to the Transocean Discoverer Enterprise drillship located on the surface. The oil will be separated and then safely shipped ashore.

The insertion tube device is now on location and is in the process of being prepared for installation.

This system was designed to minimize the formation of gas hydrates at 5,000 feet below the surface. Gas hydrates – similar to ice crystals – thwarted an earlier attempt to divert the flow of oil through a larger subsea containment dome.

The riser insertion tube will also have methanol injection to prevent the formation of gas hydrates in the ultra-deepwaters. The MMS and the Unified Area Command have approved use of methanol injections in this system.

In addition, the new riser will be heated with sea water to promote the flow of oil from the ocean floor to the drillship above. This is a commonly used practice in ultra-deepwater production because the temperatures at these water depths tend to stymie the flow of oil.

The operation is complex and has not been done before at such depths.

How it works

  • The insertion tube is a five foot long steel pipe about four inches in diameter with specially designed rubber baffles. The tube will be inserted into the Horizon’s riser to provide a direct connection.
  • The direct connection, combined with the injection of methanol, will minimize the formation of hydrates that could block the flow of hydrocarbons.
  • The riser insertion tube will be installed about 600 feet from the wellhead.
  • The insertion tube will be connected to a 5,000 foot riser that will convey the hydrocarbons to the Transocean Discoverer Enterprise drillship on the surface.
  • Once in place, oil will flow up into the Enterprise ’s riser to the surface.
  • Once at the surface, the hydrocarbons will be processed and oil will be separated from water and gas. The oil will then be temporarily stored before being offloaded and shipped to a designated oil terminal onshore.
  • The Enterprise is capable of processing 15,000 barrels of oil per day and storing 139,000 barrels.
  • A support barge will also be deployed with a capacity to store 137,000 barrels of oil.

What's next

  • This riser insertion tube is on site and is being prepared for installation in the next few days.
  • ROVs will assist in the installation and connections to the riser (tubing) back to the surface.

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